News Module

if you are using the newsmodule then you can add posts and shows to your templates.

this will not work within your page content, only within a template

{% posts  %} 

{{ post.title }}
{{ post.summary }}
{{ post.description }}
{{ post.time }}
{{ post.content }}

{% endposts  %} 

this will list out all your posts that have been published in date order with the oldest last.

for alternative texts use eg:

{% assign alt_text=1 %} 

{% assign alt_text=2 %}

{% shows  %} 

{{ show.title }}
{{ show.summary }}
{{ show.description }}
{{ show.start_time }}
{{ show.endt_time }}
{{ show.content }}
{{ show.price }}
{{ show.note }}

{{ }}
{{ show.venue.title }}
{{ show.venue.url }}
{{ show.venue.street }}
{{ }}
{{ show.venue.state }}
{{ show.venue.post_code }}
{{ show.country_code }}
{{ show.venue.telephone }}
{{ show.venue.map_url }}
{{ show.venue.note }}
{{ show.venue.extra }}

{% endshows  %} 

this will list out all your shows that have been published in date order with the oldest last.